Working with Feature Codes

SiteVision supports the use of Feature Codes to assist with consistent and organized capture of field data. Feature Codes are contained within a Trimble Feature Library, a text file with an FXL extension that contains the definitions of feature codes, attributes, linework and symbology, and control codes.

To add a Feature Library to SiteVision, the FXL file must be placed alongside the model in the same way you would with a calibration file.

NOTEUnlike calibration files, an FXL file does not need to exactly match the model name, it will be applied to any model in the same folder.

When working with data on Trimble Connect, simply place the FXL file in the same folder as the model you are working with. When you load the model the FXL file is automatically downloaded to your device.

When working with a model on your local device, you can manually copy the FXL file to the model folder. An example folder structure on an Android phone using the existing Sample Model is the following:

Note the location depends on your phone operating system:

  • Android: Phone\Internal\storage\Android\data\com.trimble.sitevisionAR\files\OnDevice Models\\Sample Model\

  • iOS: Files app under Trimble SiteVision\OnDevice Models\\Sample Model\

TIPPublishing a model from Trimble Business Center using the SiteVision AR Exporter will automatically detect and publish any associated Feature Library.

