Selecting the Antenna Connection

The first time you launch SiteVision and you accept the Health and Safety Warning, you are prompted to select how you will connect to the Catalyst antenna / receiver:

Handheld. Select this option if you are using the SiteVision Integrated Positioning System and connecting to the Trimble Catalyst DA1 antenna using a USB cable. SiteVision will wait for a USB cable to be plugged in before connecting to the antenna.

Pole. Select this option if you are using your device on a pole and connecting to the Trimble Catalyst DA2 receiver via Bluetooth. SiteVision will attempt to connect to any paired Bluetooth Catalyst receiver. This will be indicated by the GNSS icon flashing.

Once connected via Bluetooth, if a USB connection is detected a popup dialog displays asking if you wants to change the connection type.

NOTEOnce selected, this is set in / Tools / Configuration/ Antenna Connection. You can change the connection type here if required.